Stereotype is standardized and simplified conceptions of groups, based on some prior assumptions. Generally speaking, these "stereotypes" are not based on objective truth, but rather subjective and often unverifiable content-matter. Mostly of the stereotypes are not based on true facts and proof, some are just, well, opinions of someone.
The picture is a good example of stereotypes. Stereotypes give us a way of though, made us think in a way where they put two pictures together, and ask you, 'What do you think?'. There are alot of stereotype around the world nowadays. When we ask about military force, who came in mind? America! When we ask about terrorist? Arabs! When we ask about anime? Japan!
One of the perspective is that of automatic and implicit or subconscious and conscious. Automatic or subconscious stereotyping is that which everyone does without noticing. Automatic stereotyping is quickly preceded by an implicit or conscious check which permits time for any needed corrections. Automatic stereotyping is affected by implicit stereotyping because frequent conscious thoughts will quickly develop into subconscious stereotypes. (Wikipedia)
For me, stereotypes are a one of the main element which we need to aim for during a publicity for a new product. A good example of a successful publicity which hit the mark of stereotype is Coke and Pepsi.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that not all stereotypes had bad influences. If we used it in a proper way, it benefits us more.
After I saw the picture posted by KooKooZai, I think that the picture is trying to warn you whenever you see an Arab citizen. Agree with KooKooZai that not all stereotypes had bad influence, is just how we going to change it. Make a Muslim citizen wear western formal cloths than we will thought that they are from Dubai and must be rich and educated. Judge people just after first view is wrong.
I agree with what KooKooZai and ZS had said. Stereotype is indeed affecting our mind and view to a certain community. Because of some black sheep in the community, we should not categorize the whole community negatively because of what they had done. Our judgement will be affected be those stereotype media. We should try to take off the stereotype cover that blinded our eyes.
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